লাগিল পাক (lágil pák), literally a turn or twist has occurred.
Here পাক means offence. কাটিলে নাক (kátile nák) they cut the
noses. It was a common punishment to slit the nose in the
days of the Rájas. The proverb points to the growth of a story,
or probably, in this case, scandal, by being repeated.
জাপ মাৰি দেইছিলো ঢাপলিকা পৰ্ব্বত।
টিলিকিত মাৰিছিলো বগ।
খেদা মাৰি ধৰিছিলো মতা হৰিনা।
এতিয়া নেপাও মতা হাঁহৰ লগ।
Jáp mári deichhilo Dhápaliká parbat.
Tilikit márichhilo bag.
Khedá mári dharichhilo matá hariná.
Etiyá nepáo matá há(n)har lag.
I used to be able to jump over the Dhápaliká hill.
I killed the paddy-bird in an instant.
I chased a stag and caught him.
Now I can't even catch up a drake.
ঢাপলিকা পৰ্ব্বত is hillock. ঢাপলিকা also is used to express a screen usually made of thatching-grass. This screen, which is some- times called পাৰলি (párali), is used for watching crops and for guarding them from wild animals. বগ is short for বগলি (bagali), the common paddy-bird. টিলিকিত, literally, at a snap of the fingers, and so it comes to mean instantly.
তিলকে তাল কৰিলে।
Tilake tál karile.
He made a palm tree out of a sesamum seed.
The Assamese version of “to make a mountain out of a molehill.” তিল is the sesamum. তাল is the fan-palm or palmyra tree.