106 SOME ASSAMESE PROVERBS. 49. Undutifulness to parents, জীয়ন্তে নকৰিলে দয়া, মৰিলে কি কৰিব গঙ্গা গয়া ? Jiyante nakarile day, Marile ki kariba Ganga Gaya? He was not kind to his parents in their life time, Will he perform their ৪raddhas at the Ganges and at Gaya after their death ? 88. | Perfection an impossibility. ভাত হলে পুত নাই, পুত হলে ভাত নাই । Bhat hale put nai, put hale bhat nai. One has food enough but no children, another has children but no food. 824. advice regarding paddy cultivation, ও কৃষি নষ্ট হয় মাজে ললে বাট, ও তিৰী নষ্ট হয় নিতৌ বেহায় হাট। Su krisi nasta hai maje lale bat, Su tiri nasta hai nitau behai hat. Good cultivation is destroyed if there is a path through the unidst, A good woman is destroyed if she continually trades at the hat. Another of Dak’s sayings. 825. Taro critical periods. মুনিহৰ ৰণ, তিৰীৰ বিয়ন। | Muniaar ran, tirir biyan. | What war is to man, child birth is to woman. Both war and child birth are dangerous. No one knows whether one or the other will not prove fatal. Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®
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