সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:Some Assamese proverbs.djvu/১১৩

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

• $OME ADVICE-IMMUTABILITY OF CHARACTER. 103 811. | Some advice. পাণীৰ বাটত নহবা আগা, দুখী কুটুম্বৰ নহবা লগা, দুষ্টা ভনীৰ নহব। ভাই, ঘন-পেৱিতীৰ নহবা জোৱাই। Panir batat nahaba aga, Dukhi kutumbar nahaba laga, Dusta bhanir nahaba bhai, Ghan powa(n)tir nababa jowa(n)i. Don't take the lead on a watery path, Dont stand seeurity for a poor relation, Don't be the brother of a wicked sister, Don't be the son-in-law of one. who has born many • children. This is one of Dak’s proverbs, and it is full of worldly wisdom. vie. Tapo abazaag8. পৰিহৰ শুকতি মাছৰ জোৰ, পৰিহৰা অসতী নাৰীৰ কোল। Parihara sukati machhar jol, Parihara asati narir kol. Give up taking gravy made from dried fish, Give up the embraces of harlots. জোল বা ঝোল is derived from Sanskrit জল, and means the liquid portion of curry. This is another of Dak's sayings. 88. Immutability of character, চোৰে নেৰে চোৰ পৰকিতি, সহায় নেৰে সৰ, যিমান কি ডোম চহকী নহক, তেও নৈৰ কাষত ঘৰ। Chore nere chor parkiti, Sahai nere sar,, Jian ki dom chahaki nahak, Teo nair kasat ghar, Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®