সমললৈ যাওক


ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হৈছে

never went to any school his career was on the whole a very successful one. Opposite the title page will be found a portrait of the author and it is hoped this as well as the "Hem Kosha" will serve to keep in remembrance one who was certainly a great personality for several years in Gauhati.
  Hem Chandra, whatever the followers of the ultra-orthodox school may have to say against him, had, as his principal aim and object in life, the benefit of his fellow countrymen. The dictionary, which needless to say is the result of many years' labor on the part of the author, would never have approved had not it been for the exertions of Mr. Gait, Indian Civil Service, who warmly advocated its cause before the then Chief Commissioner. Thanks to the Hon'ble Mr. Cotton, C.S.I, I.C.S., the present Chief Commissioner of Assam, whose leaning towards learning and its encouragement is so well known, funds have been provided by the Assam Administration for passing the work through the press. The editing of the vernacular portion of the work has fallen to the task of Srijut Hem Chandra Gosain to whom my grateful acknowledgements are due. As far as possible the Assamese text has been reproduced in print just as it was left by the author. In conclusion I would express a hope that the appearance of the Assam Hem Kosha may induce other Assamese to come forward and try to emulate Hem Chandra Barua's literary exertions.

8th August, 1900.

P. R. Gurdon
Deputy Commissioner