সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:প্ৰাচীন কামৰূপীয় কায়স্থ-সমাজৰ ইতিবৃত্ত.djvu/৮৪৫

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধনত এটা সমস্যা হৈছে

Ebe bg Tian and its osament per amore পু। অতি আৰু সে

  • -rosylitol CT MI

কাক লেনিনগৰ অংশৰ ৰসকল শা, লোৱাৰ পাচছে pratos em esfors ste! (৩) কুশনাৰায়ণ চৌধুৰীয়েক দিয়া প্ৰশংসা পত্ৰ- Paspa Narayan Chandhury, Copy from the traceable portion of the certificate (news printed by whitearts) to late Puspa Narayan Chaudbury in the Dewangiri Expedition! From The Hon'ble A. Eden Sponetary to the Gojernment of Bengal. To The Agent Governor General and Commissioner Assam, North East Frontier. Fort William, the 22nd. May 1865 ...receipt of your letter No. 92. dáted the 9th last, and.......... ....its... services rendered by them in aiding Government .........................................of the Dooar Field Foroe. I have the honour to bas sir, Your most obedient servant, A. Edon, Bedrotary to the Government of Bengali 4............. ... .... .... ...