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পৃষ্ঠা:তাম্ৰেশ্বৰীৰ মন্দিৰ.pdf/৯০

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এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ বৈধকৰণ হৈছে
তাম্ৰেশ্বৰীৰ মন্দিৰ


 তাম্ৰেশ্বৰী মন্দিৰৰ বিষয়ে মহামতি ব্ৰাউন চাহাবৰ Deori- Chutya Grammar খানত এইদৰে আছে :—

 “The chief and oldest of the shrines was the Tamarghor or Copper Temple which still exists in ruins and was lately visited by Captain Vetch. It is described as a small stone building–nearly square built with ement, the stone being joined by iron pins not clamped, The roof was of copper, but it has fallen in and now lies there, The interior is 8 square. The whole is enclosed within a brick wall 130 feet long by 200 feet. Near the grand Entrance in the western wall is a small stone tripod.”

 “Here human sacrifices were yearly offered till a very recent date, but latterly the Ahom kings gave for the purpase male-factors who had been sentenced to capital punishment. Suitable victims were not however, always to be obtained of this description and then a particular khel or tribe of the king's subjects were bound to provide one for which they had certain privileges and immunities accorded them such as being exempted from the payment of ferry and market duties and were then called “Sarh or free” * * * for sometime prece- ding the sacrifice the victim to be immolated was detained at the temple where he fared sumptuously till in sufficient plump condition to suit the sup- posed taste of the Gossanee. On the day appointed