সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:জেবিয়ান ১৯৫৮.djvu/২০৮

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

SECRETARIAL REPORT 1957-58 Camp which was started on 19th April 58 and in-charge of the Department and who helped continued upto 4th May'58. We have cons- me from time to time. Next I offer ny sincere tructed a long road through a Khasi Village, thanks to my co-workers who assisted me in roads by the side of the new Fishery Lake, every humanly possible way to carry out the terracing of large area of high hilly cultivated various stupendous tasks which called for land to suit intensive cultivation and digging tenacity and infallibility of purpose and all of of compost pits, etc. Terracing of high area of which, precisely speaking, I found in abun- hilly land digging of compost pits with modern dance. Lastly, I with every sincerity, admit technique was highly appreciated by Provincial my omissions and commissions, and fervently ministers Sri Debeswar Sarmah, Su K. P. Tri crave for your excuse. pathi, Sri F. A. Ahmed and specially by Chief Thanking you all, Minister Sri B. P. Chaliha. Kshitindra Kumar Borbura On the 7th October 58 the League observed Secretary, Social Service League, the 8th Annual Social Service Day' with a J. B. COLLEGE, JORIAT whole day programme. 'Safai' work was done from 7 A. M. to 11-30 A. M. and an open mee- ting was held in the evening in the Sarvananda Hall. In the meeting Sri Kalidas Deva Sarma, S. L. CLUB Principal, Krishna Nagar Gram Unnayan Kendra was the President and in his illumina- ting speech he referred the different Social Before I set my hand to write the report of Service activities of Mahatma Gandhi and the my activities during the tenure of my office characteristic qualities required for a social as the S. L. Club Secretary I extend my cordial service worker. He thanked the students, thanks and gratitude to all my brothers and the builders of society, soldiers of peace and sisters in the college, who provided me with servants of humanity. The appointed speaker an opportunity to serve as their S. L. Club Prof. H. K. Mahanta in his valuable speech Secretary. I am grately indebted to them stressed the students to give much importance for offering me this opportunity. to social service activities which can accelerate Culture and Literature play the most domi- the rapid growth of our undeveloped country. nating role in the life of a nation. Modern A few workers were awarded Social Service educational institutions serve little purpose and Certificates by the League on that day. Mr. even become meaningless if they cannot pro- Dinesh Ch. Dutta was declared the "Best vide spacious scope and suitable opportunity Social Service Worker" of our college. to the students to enrich themselves and the Besides, the League extended their helping literature and culture accordingly to the need nation of studying, moulding and reshaping the hands in all the functions of the College. of the time. During the tenure of my office Due to the lack of a separate fund for this as the S. L. Club secretary, I tried to give we could not bring to fruition of our plan of some facilities to my student friends to spread making a beautiful flower garden in the college their knowledge in literature and culture, but compound. I wish my successor will look I do not know whether my contribution was at its necessity. satisfactory or not. At length I hereby express my gratefulness Following were the undertakings which to our revered Prof. H. K. Mahanta who was were performed during the tenure of my office,