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পৃষ্ঠা:জেবিয়ান ১৯৫৮.djvu/১৯৮

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হৈছে

 A new crisis in the Middle East continues to keep it a danger point. There can be no settlement between the Arabs and Israel and anything can happen unless the U. N. takes a firm hand.

 Russia is now building a guided missile base in Albania from which she can easily reach any of America's North African bases. In the same port in Albania maintains a number of naval vessels including battleships, cruisers and destroyers. She has a large number of submarines based there that prowl the Mediterranean. Russia is rapidly changing Albania into a second Gibraltar from which she intends to control the eastern Mediterranean and the Suez canal virtually making Gibraltar ineffective and worthless. Further more reports indicate that she is gradually getting a strategic stranglehold on all of the Middle East. Thus the world is in great peril and drifting steadily toward Tribulation.


 "Will history repeat itself ?" David Lawrence asks. Then he points out how in 1912 Britain and Germany had many extensive negotiations regarding the limitation of naval building. Two years later world War I began. Following that war there was some attempt at disarmament. In the fall of 1938 after England had "disarmed", there came Chamberlain's "miserable Munich", and within twelve months World War II.

 With so much present pressure for disarmament does it mean we are on the verge of World War III ? While we abhor war with all of our hearts, we believe it to be pure fallacy in a world like this to negotiate disarmament "agreements with those treacherous tyrants whose history is only one of mass murder. Such sentimental agreements can easily prove to be more booby traps for free peoples.


 Are guided missiles the key to peace? It is hoped that fear on both sides, fear of the power of retaliation, will force world opponents into a period of peaceful co-existence." Reader's Digest for March 1956 says that "the most supersecret item" in the U. S. today is a missile named "Atlas," the warhead of which "can carry more destructive power than was dropped by all the air forces in World War II combined." Against such a weapon "no defense is in sight." Thinking men, men who care for the world's well-being entertain the slender hope that by gaining time, "education and religion will have a chance to raise man's moral responsibility closer to his awful powers of destruction."

 Will the overhanging fear of unannounced and complete annihilation, serve to make the masses serious-minded and saintly? The cry of the unthinking and careless crowds has, per contra, always been, "Let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we die." The "key to peace" is still "upon His shoulder," whose right it is, and "His name shall be called Wonderful. Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the PRINCE OF PEACE. Of the in. crease of His government and PEACE there shall be no end". Lord, hasten the day !