a draft on our precious little foreign exchange in the process, the country is never, never going to make much headway, no matter, how pious the resolution may be to reconstruct the nation. It is on the authority of a person no less than the vigilant Prime Minister that the clament and the exigent need of the hour is more and more production. It simply comports with a country like India where agriculture provides the mainstay for the subsistence of 70 p. c. of the population that there should be at least enough food in the country to go round. Our proposed development will be grievously lop-sided if agriculture which accounts for nearly 40 p. C. of the total national income is indiscreetly relegated to the back-water. Any form of inefficiency or insouciance in the matter of improving and toning up our agrarian economy should not at any rate, be countenanced at this crucial hour of our national existence. The machinery of the state should not move sluggishly in rising to the occasion and making up the leeway through a bold bid to augment the indigenous resources. For, the successive onslaughts make the conclusion irresistible and ineluctable that there should be no unconscionable delay in devising ways and means to proffer seasonable incentives to make our cherished dream of increased production come true. Experience, a hard task master, teaches us in the painful way that we can ill afford to leave our agricultural operation to the nder mercies of rains and floods or for the matter, take half-hearted measures to forestall the ruin that these natural agencies bring in their wake.
The fellow who isn't fired with enthusiasm is apt to be fired.
—B. C. Forbes.