সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:জেবিয়ান ১৯৫৮.djvu/১৮৯

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হৈছে

In this gloom and darkness rises the meteoric figure of Fizho, a great military genius. The Nagas recollect their past and throw the challenge of their heritage to the State Government. The Nagas have yet to achieve their Independence, but the guidance of their great leader has filled them with courage and confidence. Does the present politics move us to similar acts of self-sacrifice and service? I think so.

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 (iv) The world is lost in ignorance and false beliefs. People have forgotten the path of virtue and truth. Buddha's law of Ahimsa gives way to violence and cruelty. In this momentum of darkness Mahatma came te India, that is Bharata, and preached the message of non-violence. India finds in the messanger of love and peace, a foe to its prejudices and the messanger is shooting to make reparation for the good of Indians. Does the life of Mahatma inspire the next generation of ours.

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 (v) The social life in Assam is not very much encouraged. Village societies, literary clubs and cultural organisations like New Yorkers' should be encouraged. What does this life of speed mean to a New Yorker ? "To him life is motion, motion is work, work is money and money is power." It is in the schools and colleges that individuals learn to understand the other nation's point of view. In caste-ridden India, when the dogmatic blindness and tyranny of the priesthood threatend the very essence of the ancient Assamese culture, the social and religious shackles are torn off and the way to truth and salvation is clearly set before the individual. That man was Sankardev. Assam to-day may have forgotten his teachings but his name still governs the hearts of the Assamese people.

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 (vi) What should be our ideal in life? We have to make our choice and the ideal once chosen will determine our peace of life. But when we look upon world peace not from the point of view of political expediancy but of the higher human ideals, we feel that is possible only with scientific researches. To-day the political, social and economic horizon of the world is very thickly clouded. Are we selected for studying in the Scientific Research Institute in abroad to clear the clouded world ? I hope we the Assamese Students will get the opportunity in the near future.