child in the mother's womb and the spirit in the body remain in ignorance of their future condition, as that is hidden from their eyes. The child after coming out of the womb is unable to see the womb from which it came, and the soul after leaving the body, except under certain conditions is unable to see the physical world from which it came, as it lives always in the spiritual world, and the physical world is but coarse matter enfolded in the spiritual. As by cutting the umbilical cord the child is severed from the mother's womb, so the spirit is severed from the body by cutting off the 'silver cord.' The mother's womb for the child, and the body for the soul, are places of preparation for the future. From the body the spirit passes into God's presence, where it attains its real destiny and perfection.
"God never imposes a duty —Ruskin. A bad friend is like a shadow. In fair |