সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:জেবিয়ান ১৯৫৮.djvu/১৫১

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হৈছে

could drop nuclear bombs on pinpointed targets at a distance of 1500 miles. Thus these poisonous productions are the outcome of selfishness and enmity.

 Along with the extension of knowledge, scientific inventions and other, the morality of the people has gone downward. There is no love, affection for humanity, religious thinking, the knowledge of justice and injustice. Duty, responsibility, discipline, etc. are gradually disappear- ing from the hearts of men.

 Thus many people have been rendered homeless. Again we see there is trouble and ill-feeling created among different sects and races of different religions. Men of different thoughts such as :— Communism, Modernism, Atheism, Romanism, Fascist, etc. have created disunion among the people. Scientists and astronomers have advanced much, even they are aspiring to go to the Mars and the Moon, for which Rocket plane has been invented.

 Juvenile delinquency, theft, robbery, wickedness, and disobedience are reigning among the children and the young folks of the different coun- tries.

 Thus we see the world is advancing on both the ways, good and evil, life and death. The First and the Second World wars are over but there is no peace in the world. The U. N. O. and other peace conferences have failed to maintain peace and order. Thus the U. N. sponsored Disarma- ment Committee has ended in fiasco without coming to any agreement. Though the power of Japan and Germany has been crippled but in their place another two rival nations Russia and America have become powerful with two different ideals, one Communism and other Capitalism.

 We see various political and social troubles in east and west Germany, China, Malaya, Indonesia, Phillipines, Middle-east, Formosa, Egypt, Algeria, Kashmir, Cypras, Iraq, Turky, etc. Thus we see the present world is a chamber of horror and peacelessness.

 Now there is an armament race among the different nations which results in intensifying the cold war. And in a twinkling of an eye this cold war may tum into a hot war or more appropriately speaking to the Third or the last World War.