Mathematics of Birjhora Mahavidyalaya, Bangaigaon as I was busy with some other assignments and I had a firm belief that Arundhati will translate the book in a better way than me and handed over the English version of the book to Prof. Medhi in the beginning days of the year 2017. He went through the English version and was quite happy but advised for some changes here and there due to some recent developments and asked me to give the book back to him again for finalization. Though I completed the suggested work within a week, I could not hand over the corrected and modified version to “Medhi Sir' as he was hospitalized in the mean time. The book is still with me at that stage as 'Medhi Sir' did not come back home alive.
About his last book ‘Introduction to Queueing Systems and Applications’ which was published by New Age International in 2014 Prof. Myron Hlynka of University of Windsor, Canada wrote-
.... A book like this is only possible from someone with a clear overview and love of queueing and a thorough knowledge of the entire literature in the field. I cannot think of anyone more capable of such a task than Jyotiprasad Medhi. He has succeeded admirably in his goal. This book is highly recommended. “
Prof. Medhi's creative brain was still at work before he got hospitalized on 18th January, 2017. About his research paper entitled “Success runs in symmetric Bernouli Process" which was published in the Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences, USA, Vol. 25, issue 2. Pp 215-219 in 2013 Prof. Myron Hlynka of University of Windsor, Canada commented-