সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:ঘোৰা নিদান.djvu/১০৪

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ বৈধকৰণ হৈছে


Bachoni tita ...
Bagh-darya ... A pony of Son-darya variety with spots on the body.
Baghnola ...
Bagh Nakhora ... A daraya Pakhara pony having zebra stripes above the eyes, and white spots on the ear.
Bagh-Pakhora ... A Darya Pakhora pony having zebra stripes above the eyes, and white spots on the ear.
Bahok ... ... Adhatoda Vasica.
Bamuna Pakhora ... A spotted pony with a blaze from the forehead down to the chin.
Batraj ... Ficus Bengalensis.
Bhado-tita ...
Bholukabanhor gaj ... Sprouts of Bholukabanh (a kind of big-sized bamboo used for posts and other strong work).
Bhang ... Cannabis sativan
Bhedali-lota ... Pæderia fœtida.
Bheshorigooli or
... Seed of Solanum Indicum.
Bhet ... ... Water lily, Nymphæa Lotus.
Bhodorachat-tuni ... This is another name of the pony

called Ablakk Tuling.

Bhog-jira ... Cuminum Cyminum.
Bhog joni ... The same as joni. Carum copticum.
Bhola-bangana ... A big kind of brinjal. Barbangana.
Bhomora kolia ... A beetle-black pony.
Bhot bangana ... A small kind of wild and bitter egg plant.