সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:ঘোৰা নিদান.djvu/১০

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ বৈধকৰণ হৈছে


 It is regrettable that the author could not give the book the benefit of his final revision which he proposed to do before submitting it to Government. In November 1927 Mr. Bhattacharyya and myself were constantly engaged in revising the translation, but he died before this part of the work was completed. I returned a part of the manuscript which was with me to his brother at Tezpur, Srijut Kalicharan Bhattacharyya, B.L., who prepared the press-copy and submitted it to Government in May 1928. The proofs have been corrected by Srijut Kalicharan Bhattacharyya. They have been further revised. Mr. A. H. W. Bentinck, C.I.E., I.C.S., M.A., F.R.G.S., Honorary Provincial Director of the Department of Historical and Antiquarian Studies, Assam, has gone through the English portion, and corrections and alterations have in many places been considerable. Mr. A. C. Dutta, M.SC., Lecturer in Botany in the Cotton College, has kindly revised the botanical terms. I have revised the Assamese text.

 It is hoped that the publication of this book will lead to the unearthing of similar treasures and the stimulation of interest in the cultural legacies which old Assam has made to the new.

December 9, 1931.
Honorary Assistant Director,
Historical and Antiquarian
Studies, Assam.