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পৃষ্ঠা:অসমীয়া সাহিত্যৰ চানেকি v1.pdf/৭৭

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

Their poverty has stood in the way of their high education, There are very few men who can give their sons high educ8 ‘tion without the aid of Government. such conditions are hardly conducive to the growth of their national literature, and it is, therefore, small wonder that Assamese literature has made so little progress in recent years, 11, T'a FuUR 08 AssAIRS Lapara : How In A Big BacoURAGED. The future of Assamese literature is indissolubly linked with the future of the Assamese nation. As Dr. Grierson has stated— Assamese literature is essentially a national product. It always has been national and it is so still. The genius of its people has led it along lines of its own and its chief glory-history—is a branch of study almost unknown to the indigenous literature of Bengal, whether the nation has made the literature or the literature the nation, I know not, but, as a matter of fact, both have been for centuries and are in vigorous existence.” 8o long the language has survived the hostile attacks and has maintained its own against its enemies. But how it will fare in future, the future will only show, The unequal competition with & more advanced nation may lead to the extinction of the nation and its language under favourable circumstances and the fostering care of the Government they may thrive again, and attain their pristine glory. On the whole, there do not exist sufficient grounds, to be despondent about the future of the Assamese language. If the Government continue the same wise policy, which it hafherto followed in respect of the Assamese language, it bound to grow and expand. In the cent years the Government have done much for the furtherance of the