NTRODUCTION it S9 In the Nowgong plate of Balavar (1oah century A.D.). S. jai, modern A. joi=the Indian fig tre Ficus religiosa). Jan (=the Indian fig tee) Jaa (=name of a timber-tree) (=a channel fingani, gingini (=name of a te) Jol (= channel or drain) Jol (=a small channel or streamlet) In the Nidhanpur plate of Bastara Vam (7th century AD); S.jagata=modern As.jutuk or jutii=a timbc tree Aangla ccesa- Gamble). In the Puspabhadra plate of Dharmapala 12th century AD) in cakkajnd The ansrit wod is fa=a river, steam, Modem As = a channel along which flood-water flow In the Guakuchi plate of Indrapala, Nep- Jainga, mod As.jgin=a small eve- gen tree (Euriya acuminata-Gamble). In the Guakuchi plate of Indrapala in ১ hora- jota-dakcitakulam. S. jhaa (=a spring, stream), modern As.jol =a small channel or dain). In the Guakuchi plate of Indrapala in canyalo joli, s.jhari (=a spring, fountain y seam). Modern As-juli, jhuf (=a small stream flowing from a hill) : cf. Dhosajul, Nggerjul, Oranjuli, etc. In the Tezpur rock inscription of Harjara Vama (9th century A.D.) in nakkajosa, nakkajosi, S. jhasa (a forest, wood), modern As-joh jun ( = tangled thicket) cf. Naljuhi (name of a village), Fakir-joh (name of a jungle), etc. In the Subhanara pataka plate of Dharmapala (12th century MD.), S.jhai (=a smal tre+ Paki or Pakat (=the wave-leaved fige), | modern As.jari-Pakai=a ird of fig tree (Ficus infecta -Gamble). In the Nidhinpur plate of B akara Varm (7th | century AD) in durbacchea (=cw fitree). sadunnbara, modern A uru, dau= the f ree (Ficus glomerua) in the Papabhada plate a Dhamaph (12) century AD) in Thai-dobba (pool Th ). S./dobe (=to collect), modem A b a, dubi (sa de pool in a river) Josa, Josi (=a tangled thicket) Jhari-Paat (= kind of fig-tree) Dumbari (=the fig-tree) Pubbi (ed pool in a river)
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