INTRODUCTION 1 Example:S.pathita (read), Sr.padhia, A.padhd. In Magadhi this suffix becomes “id=il” (Vr. xi. 15). Example :—S.gaah gone), Mg-gade, A.-gal, (see Vr. XI. 16). (v) Future verbal affix “Syam” becomes “Sam” in Sauraseni (H. c. III. 167,169). This becomes “am in Assamese. | Example:—bhavisyami (I shall be), Sr.hossam, A.ham. This form is peculiar to Assamese. | Magadhi future participle passive form “ib” or “ab” (=s, tavya) is used in Assamese in second and third persons in an active sense as future verbal affix ( 385). | (vi) Assamese plural termination hant" is derived from Sr, Ap. homtau", Zend. henti, (See “Pre-Vedic elements" above). (b) Magadhi elements i) In Magadhi “” becomes " (H.C. IV. 288). In Assamese also this rule is often followed. | Example :-A.juli (streamlet), old A.-joli, Mag. Pr.---yali jali), S.Jhari, cf. (Dhekiajuli, | Barangajuli, etc.). (ii) In Magadhi noun in a-base ends in “e". This is also the case in Assamese in-as-much as “e" is the nominative case-afix almost in all cases. Example :--A.--Ei mege, Mg.-ese mese, | S.---৫sah mesah (=this ram), (iii) Assamese plural termination “hun" is derived from Mg. Ap. (?) “hum”, (Sce Chap. VII).. (iv) Assamese plural termination “ahan” is derived from Magadhi ahan (genitive plural : See $ 232). (v) Assamese adverbs “etia”, “tetia", etc. are derived from Mg. “ettiae”, “tettiae”, etc. ($ 339). (vi) Assamese perfect participle suffix il” or “al" is of “Magadhi origin and derived from Sanskrit “Kta” ($ 357). | It has been noted (in Section I) that Mh. Sr. and Mg. Prakrts were literary languages while Paisagi was the low or vulgar Prakrt spoken, in the beginning. by those aborigines who came under the influence of Aryan immigrants and in whose mouth the Aryan vernacular assumed a distorted form. As time went on these aborigines merged into Aryan society and improved their speech with the result that the peculiarities of the Paisagi Kam, sas., p. 115.
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