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পৃষ্ঠা:অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ আৰু ভাষাতত্ত্ব.djvu/৪৩

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

INTRODUCTION II 23 Assamese Kuli Meaning. cuckoo. Khari firewood, Kharu anklets or armlets. Gabhait daring. (said of | thief). Sensaton. Cetan Chaka a kind of very small | bird, a torch. Jora, Jor Daduri a frog. Natuva actor. Nirgat a term of abuse. Pakhara white leprosy. Palu caterpillar. Vedic. Kalika, Kaulika (=a kind of bird : | Vaj. Sam, XXIV. 24). S:--Kokila (=cuckoo). Dr-Kuyil. Akharestha (= firewood: Sat. Br.. | 2.6.1). Cf. S --Khar (=hot). Khadi (=anklets or armlets or some- times rings on the hands" . Rk. V. 5411:]. 166.9: VII. 56.13). Cf, s..-Katakam, Grbhi (=seizing. holding; Apte) or | Grbh (=seizurc). Cetanam (=intellect, sensation : Rk, 1. 13.11).. Saka (=a kind of bird or fly : Tait. S. V. 5.12). Jirni (=a fire brand, a fiery weapon : Rk. 1.129.8). Taduri (=a female frog . Ath. v. IV. 15.14), s-daruara (=a frog) or dardarika. Nrtak (=ap actor : Rk. 1, 92.4). Cf. S.-.Nartaka (=a dancer or | actor). Nigit (=enemy : non-Aryan foe : Rk. IX. 97, 53-54). Pakaru (lit. sore or ulcer : from paka=maturity, and ara, arus= sore : Vaj. Sam. XII. 97). Pavi [=name of some noxious in- sect in Rig-Veda (0. 1911); pos- sibly a species of ant may be meant.] Cf S. -Pilu=A.-pclu (=tape-worm). Pesan (=beauty, adornment : Rk. 1. 47.2). Pegas [ =“an embroidered garment such as a female dancer would wear (Rk. Il. 3.6 : IV. 367 : VII. 34.11). Colour or form"]. Cf, S.--Pesah (=form, shape), Vak (=to pour : Rk. I, 63.7).. Visavait [= “the middle day in the | Sattra or Sacrificial session of a year's duration". Equinoxial day. Ath. v. XI, 7.15]. Vesi (=needle : Rk. VII. 18.17). Cf. S.--Vedhani (=a gimblet). Bhema (to take pride : Rk. 1. 11.2). Cf. Eng.-Vanity. L.-Vanus=empty, void. S.-Bhimg (=formidable). Mend (=lit. female or an animal, either mare or cow : Rk. I, 62.7 : I. 95.6 : II, 39.2: I. 121.2 : X. III. 3). Matin, Murali (=name of some part of an edible lotus : Ath. IV. 34,5), |S.Mrnalam. beauty, adornment, Pekham, Peam, Peng decoration of body with ornaments & clothes. Bak Bihu to pour. equinoxial festival. Beji a needle. Pride, ostentation. Bhen Mena drooping horned (said of buffalo). Molan The soft and white part of the stem of a lotus. 1 Macdonell-Vedic Grammar, $ 78.