অসমীয়া ব্যাক আৰু তাত Grammars of Hema Candra and Vararugi. I constantly kept by my de these two books with the Hematoga and Apte's Sanskrit-English Diction- ary and freely referred to them for any information I needed. Professo Macdonell's Vedic Grammar and D. Hoernle's Comparative Grammar of the Gaudian Languages are the next works from which I have derived immense help and to which I am greatly indebted. To the Hindi Grammar of Dr. Kellogs. the Comparative Grammar of the Davidian Language of Caldwell and the Science of Language of Professor Maxmuller I am equally indebted, I also derived no small help from Beames Compara- tive Grammar of the Modern Aryan Languages of India and kachchayana's Pali Grammar edited by D. Mason. I am equally indebted to Professor Rapson for the help I received from his Ancient India and to Sir E. A. Gait for the valuable materials used from his History of Assam. My thanks are also due to the authors of the other books refered to in the his work. Among them I may specially mention the name of Srijut D. N. Bez Barua and acknowledge with thanks the help I received from his History of the Assamese Language and Literature in writing the chapter on Assamese Literature in the Introduction to this work. | Very special thanks are due to Dr. B. K. Kakati MA PH.D., Pundit Srijut Narayapa Candra Misra, Srijut S. C Goswami B.A, B.T., D, H. K. Das L.Ms., and the late Pundit Lakhi Kanta Misra Bhagavati for kindly going through parts of this work and for aving valuable suggestions here & there. My young friend Srijut Harendra Nath Kalita has been good enough to read the proofs in Calcutta. I am alone responsible for the few printing mistakes in the book, Two examples in the chapter on phonetic changes have been misplaced through inadvertence. They have been noted in the Errata. Gauhati,। 30-5-36. K. MED
পৃষ্ঠা:অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ আৰু ভাষাতত্ত্ব.djvu/১২০