সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ আৰু ভাষাতত্ত্ব.djvu/১১৮

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

6 অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ আৰু ভাষাতত্ত্ব Occasionally I have used double spelling to conform to both Sanskrit and the Hemakosa. Double spelling is not unknown in Sanskrit The following list will show what I mean. Datvation, Spelling suggested. Spelling of Meaning Hemakoya. Kantara | post for the are 1 of a Dhenki Kadar. S Rulf a coolie or 1 labourer. Kuli. Ghumat sleep. { waist-cloth for l male. a cow-calf. Kudra (=the post round which the rope of the churning stick passes), Ekuri. Tam-Rula, Kalikkaran (= a labourer), Ghun+ti econdary deriva- tive sus) oaka (=a petticoat). S. Cha, ১ ৫ , ১dvaka)+ri (redundant sufix). S-Daa. S.-Daisa. f Ghumar, ( Ghumat | Curla. curia. Cheutrl. garia ccuir S pa path Damuri fear. sad-ly. calf, par, dar. Danh. । Damuri, 1 Damuri, Outi luti convenience, 1 pleasing I waist-cloth for nale S.-Damya', ( a young bullock). As. Masc.-Damard or | dard ( =a bull-cal Fem. ১dmaf (=a cow- calf).. S.-Justa, V.-justi (pleas- ing). S.-Dhaka, dhati (a strip of cloth fastened round the loins or over the privities). S.Nartaka, V.Nrta. Pr,Natiao, nattao. S-Nara, Dhut Dhul. Narua Natua, । Natua. Nihali. Nihalf Padulti actor, dancer. Quilt warm 1 cloth. oute door, । gateway. , tit. smelling t gateway. to st, to select, Padul. Paduli- suna Padulf- Suna. Each Bag. Ratari news, | Batari, 1 Batari, Lahari SEPratoli, Pr:-Padoli. s-Praot Singh (=to smell).. S--Vir (=to sift). S.-varia, vart (=news). As--masc.-Batard, bdtod. fem--Batari. Dim-Batari ()। s.-Lisa, lasaka (=8porting, a dancer). As. masc.-Laha. S. Lasid, asya (=a dancing girl). As. fem-lahal s.sarani, saran, swani, sarant (=a straight or continuous line.).. S.suta (=a sharp or pointed weapon, an iron spit). lovely. | Lahari, ahari, t sari line. sari, | Sari. Hul a thorn, a । pointed thing. Hul, Hil.