সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:ঘোৰা নিদান.djvu/২৯

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ বৈধকৰণ হৈছে


 A Kolia Dangkachi is bad.
 A Rang Dangkachi if with good characteristics may be excepted, It is bad if the ears are spotted and there is a zebra mark above the eyes.


 A muddy coloured or short muzzle is bad. A mouth opening long is hard, one opening short is soft, and one with a normal opening is good.
 Pointed tip of a nose is bad, to be good it should be neither too much pointed nor blunt. A small nose indicates a good disposition.
 Long ears are always good. Small ears indicate a strong mind, long ears a fickle mind, and large ears a weak mind. If the pony have small and short ears, and pointed at the same time the animal is only fit. for a knave.
 It is good if both the eyes of a pony are brown. Serpent eves are bad. Serpent eyes are bad. A horse with white and sticky discharges from the corners of eyes, thin edges of the eyelids, and red, sunken or prominent eyes is bad. A riding pony with prominent eyes may be noted, it is given to shying.
 Flesby or hanging cheeks are bad.
 A pony with a thin or narrow neck should not be accepted; a narrow but fleshy neck is bad.
 One with a hanging or pot belly is dull.
 Roach backed and razor backed ponies are cunning and wicked, a hollow-backed one can hardly be taught the trot; however it may be accepted.
 One with a fleshy or hanging loin is bad.