পৃষ্ঠা:কলিতা জাতিৰ ইতিবৃত্ত.pdf/৬৪

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The people of Kamarūpa

 "They adore and sacrifice to the Devas and have no faith in Buddha; hence from the time when Buddha appeared in the world even down to the present time there never as yet has been built one Sanghārāma as a place for the priests to assemble. Such disciples as there are are of a pure faith, say their prayers (repeat the name of Buddha) secretly and that is all. There are as many as 100 Deva temples and different sectaries to the number of several myriads." (Hiuen-Tsang, by Beal, 1906; Vol. II. p. 196)

3. "To the south-west of the Nalanda Sanghārāma eight or nine li, was the town Kou-li-ka (Kolika) in which was an Asoka tope; this was the place of Mudgala putra's birth and death.”

 “In this passage our pilgrim calls the birth place of Maudgālayanaputra Kolika (or Kulika) and describes it as being eight or nine li to the south-west of Nalanda ................the Mahavastu calls it Kolitagrāmaka and places it half a yojana form Rajagriha. In other works the name is Kolika as here....Kolita, a designation of the Maudgalāyanaputra, was probably derived from the name of his native town." (T. Watters: Yuan Chang's Travels in India; Vol. II. pp. 171, 172)