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পৃষ্ঠা:অসমীয়া সাহিত্যৰ চানেকি v1.pdf/৬৭

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এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

1 age; their style was improved upon by the writers of the next period, | Second period.This was the most prosperous period of Assamese literature. Under the patronage of the native rulers, a host of writers appeared in this period and wrote numerous books in Assamese language enriching various departments of its literature. Almost all the eminent authors in the Assamese language belong to this period, amongs, whom the names of Sankar Deva, Madhava Deva, Chandra Bharati, Ananta Kandali aloe Rama Saraswati, and Govinda Misra stand forth in bold relief. The literature of this period.is religious, poetical, and mostly consist of translations from Sanskrit | Third period,—The third period is the modern age of the Assamese language which was inaugurated by the members of the American Baptist Mission in Sibsagar. They began by publishing in homely Assamese many Christian tracts and the translation of the whole of the Bible. But their illustrated monthly magazine Adaodae, which was the first journal in our language, imported a new life to the language by creating a taste for reading amongst the people and by introducing the conversational.prose style in writing. It is in. one sense the most remarkable period of the Assamese language, since, during this period, for some time, the fate of the Assamese language was trembling in the balance, The right of the Assamese language to be ranked as a separate language was seriously questioned by some interested persons, and the Government of Sir George Campbell instituted an enquiry into the matter in the seventies of the last century). Some patriotic Assamese like the late Mr. Anandaram । The conona modern pinion is for making Anant kandai and Eam S wati to pata poe. Mr. Goswami eans to have share this opinion later in like a wঃ snail infer from his pount of Rs Saraswati in his Depript catalog aan Med , pp. 181 In the Typical Setto, they have be tested as two daront post . A. B.