ৱিকিউৎস:কেন্দ্ৰীয় আলোচনা/সংৰক্ষণ/২০২৩
Upcoming vote on the revised Enforcement Guidelines for the Universal Code of Conduct
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello all,
In mid-January 2023, the Enforcement Guidelines for the Universal Code of Conduct will undergo a second community-wide ratification vote. This follows the March 2022 vote, which resulted in a majority of voters supporting the Enforcement Guidelines. During the vote, participants helped highlight important community concerns. The Board’s Community Affairs Committee requested that these areas of concern be reviewed.
The volunteer-led Revisions Committee worked hard reviewing community input and making changes. They updated areas of concern, such as training and affirmation requirements, privacy and transparency in the process, and readability and translatability of the document itself.
The revised Enforcement Guidelines can be viewed here, and a comparison of changes can be found here.
How to vote?
Beginning January 17, 2023, voting will be open. This page on Meta-wiki outlines information on how to vote using SecurePoll.
Who can vote?
The eligibility requirements for this vote are the same as for the Wikimedia Board of Trustees elections. See the voter information page for more details about voter eligibility. If you are an eligible voter, you can use your Wikimedia account to access the voting server.
What happens after the vote?
Votes will be scrutinized by an independent group of volunteers, and the results will be published on Wikimedia-l, the Movement Strategy Forum, Diff and on Meta-wiki. Voters will again be able to vote and share concerns they have about the guidelines. The Board of Trustees will look at the levels of support and concerns raised as they look at how the Enforcement Guidelines should be ratified or developed further.
On behalf of the UCoC Project Team,
CSinha (WMF) (বাৰ্তা) ১৫:৩২, ৮ জানুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
Voting Opens on the Revised Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.
- {{subst:more languages}}
Hello all,
The voting period for the revised Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines is now open! Voting will remain open for two weeks and will close at 23:59 UTC on January 31, 2023. Please visit the voter information page for voter eligibility information and details on how to vote.
For more details on the Enforcement Guidelines and the voting process, see our previous message.
On behalf of the UCoC Project Team,
CSinha (WMF) (বাৰ্তা) ১৭:২০, ১৭ জানুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
Poll regarding January 2023 Wikisource Community meeting
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!
We will be organizing the January 2023 Wikisource Community meeting in the last week of January and we need your help to decide on a time and date that works best for the most number of people. Kindly share your availabilities at the wudele link below:
Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest topics for the agenda.
KLawal-WMF and PMenon-WMF
Sent via MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ০৯:১৮, ২০ জানুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
Invitation to join Wikisource Community meeting (28 January 2023)
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!
We are the hosting the first Wikisource Community meeting of the year on 28th January 2023 at 12 PM UTC / 5:30 PM IST (check your local time) according to the wudele poll.
The first half of the meeting will be focused on non-technical updates and conversations like events, conferences, proofread-a-thons and collaborations. The second half will be focused on technical updates and conversations, such as talking about major challenges faced by Wikisource communities, similar to the ones conducted in previous Triage meetings.
If you are interested in joining the meeting, kindly leave a message on sgill@wikimedia.org and we will add you to the calendar invite.
Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest any other topics for the agenda.
KLawal-WMF, PMenon-WMF, Sam Wilson (WMF), and Satdeep Gill (WMF)
Sent using MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ১৮:৩৩, ২৫ জানুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
অসমীয়া ৱিকিউৎসৰ বাবে স্কেনাৰ
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]২০২৩ চনৰ ২৯ জানুৱাৰী তাৰিখে অনুষ্ঠিত হোৱা অসমীয়া ৱিকিমিডিয়া সমাজৰ অনলাইন গুগল মিটত অসমীয়া ৱিকিউৎসৰ বাবে এটা নিজাববীয়া স্কেনাৰ বিচাৰি চিআইএছ-এটুকেৰ(CIS-A2K)ৰ সমুখত এক প্ৰস্তাৱ আগবঢ়োৱাৰ প্ৰসংগ উত্থাপিত হয়৷ এই স্কেনাৰটোৰ সহায়ত আমি আমাৰ ওচৰত মজুত থকা কপিৰাইট-মুক্ত ছপা কিতাপসমূহ স্কেন কৰিম৷ পৰ্যায়ক্ৰমে সেই গ্ৰন্থসমূহৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন, বৈধকৰণ আৰু ট্ৰেন্সক্লুছন কৰা হ'ব৷ স্কেনাৰটোৰ জৰিয়তে আমি মানসম্পন্ন স্কেনৰ ভালেকেইখন গ্ৰন্থ ৱিকিউৎসৰ পুথিভঁৰালত সন্নিৱিষ্ট কৰিবলৈ সমৰ্থৱান হ'ম৷ সমান্তৰালভাৱে সদস্যসকলৰ আভ্যন্তৰীণ সক্ৰিয়তাও ইয়াৰ জৰিয়তে বৃদ্ধি পাব৷ এইক্ষেত্ৰত আগবাঢ়ি যাবৰ বাবে আপোনালোকৰ পৰা পৰামৰ্শ-দিহা আৰু মন্তব্য বিচৰা হৈছে৷--Ishanjyotibora (বাৰ্তা) ২১:৪১, ১ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]- Rumi Borah~aswiki (বাৰ্তা) ২১:৪৫, ১ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
- দিব্য দত্ত (বাৰ্তা) ২১:৪৭, ১ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
- অনামিকা(চুমু) বড়া (বাৰ্তা) ২২:০১, ১ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
- Joli Rumi (বাৰ্তা) ১৮:৪০, ২ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
- Pallabi Dutta.Baruah (বাৰ্তা) ২২:১৪, ৫ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
- -Chandan Chiring Phukon Chat ২২:১৭, ৫ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
- Pranamikaadhikary (বাৰ্তা) ২২:৪৯, ৫ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
- দীপকজ্যোতি মহন্ত (বাৰ্তা) ০৮:৪৮, ৬ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
- Babulbaishya (বাৰ্তা) ১৫:২৪, ৬ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
- Rajdweep225 (বাৰ্তা) ২১:১৮, ৬ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]মন্তব্য
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Global ban for PlanespotterA320/RespectCE
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Per the Global bans policy, I'm informing the project of this request for comment: m:Requests for comment/Global ban for PlanespotterA320 (2) about banning a member from your community. Thank you.--Lemonaka (talk) 21:40, 6 February 2023 (UTC)
Poll regarding February 2023 Wikisource Community meeting
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!
We will be organizing this month’s Wikisource Community meeting in the last week of February and we need your help to decide on a time and date that works best for the most number of people. Kindly share your availabilities at the Wudele link below:
Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest topics for the agenda.
Regards PMenon-WMF and KLawal-WMF
PMenon-WMF (talk) ১২:৩৮, ১৪ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
Community feedback-cycle about updating the Wikimedia Terms of Use starts
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello community members,
Wikimedia Foundation Legal Department is organizing a feedback-cycle with community members to discuss updating the Wikimedia Terms of Use.
The Terms of Use (ToU) are the legal terms that govern the use of websites hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. We will be gathering your feedback on a draft proposal from February through April. The draft will be translated into several languages, with written feedback accepted in any language.
This update comes in response to several things:
- Implementing the Universal Code of Conduct.
- Updating project text to the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license.
- Proposal for better addressing undisclosed paid editing.
- Bringing the Terms of Use in line with current and recently passed laws affecting the Wikimedia Foundation, including the European Digital Services Act
As part of the feedback cycle two office hours will be held: the first on 2 March and the second on 4 April.
For further information, please consult:
- The proposed update of the ToU by comparison
- The page for your feedback
- Information about the office hours
On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Legal Team,
CSinha (WMF) (বাৰ্তা) ১৩:২৬, ২২ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
Editing news 2023 #1
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
This newsletter includes two key updates about the Editing team's work:
- The Editing team will finish adding new features to the Talk pages project and deploy it.
- They are beginning a new project, Edit check.
Talk pages project

The Editing team is nearly finished with this first phase of the Talk pages project. Nearly all new features are available now in the Beta Feature for আলোচনা সঁজুলি.
It will show information about how active a discussion is, such as the date of the most recent comment. There will soon be a new "বিষয় যোগ কৰক" button. You will be able to turn them off at Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion. Please tell them what you think.

An A/B test for আলোচনা সঁজুলি on the mobile site has finished. Editors were more successful with আলোচনা সঁজুলি. The Editing team is enabling these features for all editors on the mobile site.
New Project: Edit Check
The Editing team is beginning a project to help new editors of Wikipedia. It will help people identify some problems before they click "সালসলনি প্ৰকাশ কৰক". The first tool will encourage people to add references when they add new content. Please watch that page for more information. You can join a conference call on 3 March 2023 to learn more.
–Whatamidoing (WMF) (আলোচনা) ০৪:৫৫, ২৩ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
Invitation for February 2023 Wikisource Community Meeting
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!
We are the hosting this month's Wikisource Community meeting on 26th February 2023 at 11 AM UTC (check your local time) according to the wudele poll.
The first half of the meeting will be focused on non-technical updates and conversations like events, conferences, proofread-a-thons and collaborations. The second half will be focused on technical updates and conversations, such as talking about major challenges faced by Wikisource communities, similar to the ones conducted in previous Community meetings.
If you are interested in joining the meeting, kindly leave a message on sgill@wikimedia.org and we will add you to the calendar invite.
Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest any other topics for the agenda.
KLawal-WMF, PMenon-WMF, Sam Wilson (WMF), and Satdeep Gill (WMF)
Your wiki will be in read only soon
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Read this message in another language • অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি আপোনাৰ ভাষালৈ অনুবাদ কৰাত সহায় কৰক
The Wikimedia Foundation tests the switch between its first and secondary data centers. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
All traffic will switch on 1 March. The test will start at ১৪:০০ UTC.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Wednesday 1 March 2023.
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- We expect the code deployments to happen as any other week. However, some case-by-case code freezes could punctually happen if the operation require them afterwards.
- GitLab will be unavailable for about 90 minutes.
Trizek (WMF) (আলোচনা) ০২:৫১, ২৮ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী ২০২৩ (IST)
Wikimania 2023 Welcoming Program Submissions
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]
Poll regarding March 2023 Wikisource Community meeting
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!
We will be organizing this month’s Wikisource Community meeting in the last week of March and we need your help to decide on a time and date that works best for the most number of people. Kindly share your availabilities at the wudele link below:
Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest topics for the agenda.
KLawal-WMF and PMenon-WMF
Sent via MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ১১:০১, ১৯ মাৰ্চ ২০২৩ (IST)
March 2023 Wikisource Community meeting
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!
We are the hosting this month’s Wikisource Community meeting on 27th March 2023 at 10 AM UTC / 3:30 PM IST (check your local time) according to the wudele poll.
The first half of the meeting will be focused on non-technical updates and conversations like events, conferences, proofread-a-thons and collaborations. The second half will be focused on technical updates and conversations, such as talking about major challenges faced by Wikisource communities, similar to the ones conducted in previous Community meetings.
If you are interested in joining the meeting, kindly leave a message on sgill@wikimedia.org and we will add you to the calendar invite.
Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest any other topics for the agenda.
KLawal-WMF, PMenon-WMF, Sam Wilson (WMF), and Satdeep Gill (WMF)
Sent using MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ১৫:৩১, ২৫ মাৰ্চ ২০২৩ (IST)
Indic Wikisource proofread-a-thon April 2023
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Sorry for writing this message in English - feel free to help us translate it

Dear Wikimedians,
Thank you and congratulation to you for your participation and support last year. The CIS-A2K has already been conducted Online Indic Wikisource proofread-a-thon April 2023 to enrich our Indian classic literature in digital format.
- Booklist: a collection of books to be proofread. Kindly help us to find some books in your language. The book should not be available on any third-party website with Unicode formatted text. Please collect the books and add our event page book list. You should follow the copyright guideline described here. After finding the book, you should check the pages of the book and create <pagelist/>.
- Participants: Kindly sign your name at Participants section if you wish to participate in this event.
- Reviewer: Kindly promote yourself as administrator/reviewer of this proofreadthon and add your proposal here. The administrator/reviewers could participate in this Proofreadthon.
- Some social media coverage: We would request to all Indic Wikisource community members, please spread the news to all social media channels, we always try to convince your Wikipedia/Wikisource to use their SiteNotice. Of course, you must also use your own Wikisource site notice.
- Some awards: There may be some award/prize given by CIS-A2K.
- A way to count validated and proofread pages:Indic Wikisource Contest Tools
- Time : Proofreadthon is already started: from 1 April 2023 00.01 to 30 April 2023 23.59 (IST)
- Rules and guidelines: The basic rules and guideline have described here
- Scoring: The details scoring method have described here
We are hoping all Indic Wikisources to participate in this event.
Thanks for your attention
On behalf of Jayanta (CIS-A2K)- 4 April 2023 (UTC)
Wikisource Program officer, CIS-A2K
MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ১৫:৪১, ৪ এপ্ৰিল ২০২৩ (IST)
অসমীয়া ৱিকিউৎসৰ বাবে মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন প্ৰতিযোগিতা
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]২০২৩ বৰ্ষৰ ১ এপ্ৰিলৰ পৰা আৰম্ভ হোৱা চিআইএছ-এটুকেৰ উদ্যোগত সৰ্বভাৰতীয় পৰ্যায়ত অনুষ্ঠিত হোৱা মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন প্ৰতিযোগিতাত একাধিক অসুবিধাবশতঃ অসমীয়া ভাষাই এক তাৰিখৰ পৰা অংশগ্ৰহণ কৰিব নোৱাৰিলে। এই বিষয়ে প্ৰতিযোগিতাৰ আহ্বায়ক আৰু নিয়ন্ত্ৰক জয়ন্ত নাথ ডাঙৰীয়াৰ লগত কথা পতা হয়। নাথ ডাঙৰীয়াই অসমীয়া ৱিকিউৎসৰ বাবে পৃথককৈ এই প্ৰতিযোগিতা আয়োজন কৰাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত লয় আৰু সেই মৰ্মে মে' মাহত অসমীয়া ৱিকিউৎসৰ বাবে প্ৰতিযোগিতাৰ সময়সীমা নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰিবলৈ অনুৰোধ কৰে। সময়সীমা নিৰ্ধাৰণৰ দায়িত্বটো তেখেতে অসমীয়া ভাষাৰ সদস্যসকলকে সমূহীয়াকৈ ল'বলৈ কয়। প্ৰিয় সদস্যসকল, উক্ত বিষয়টোৰ গুৰুত্ব বুজি আপোনালোকে নিম্নোক্ত তিনিটা সময়সীমাৰ পৰা যিকোনো এটা নিৰ্বাচন কৰি প্ৰতিযোগিতাৰ দিনাংকটো বাছি উলিওৱাত সহায় কৰে যেন। অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি নিৰ্দিষ্ট তাৰিখৰ তলত আপোনাৰ স্বাক্ষৰ আগবঢ়াব।-Ishanjyotibora (বাৰ্তা) ২২:২৬, ৬ এপ্ৰিল ২০২৩ (IST)
১-১৫ মে'২০২৩
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]৫-২০ মে' ২০২৩
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]- Ishanjyotibora (বাৰ্তা) ২২:২৬, ৬ এপ্ৰিল ২০২৩ (IST)
- Gitartha.bordoloi (বাৰ্তা) ২২:০০, ৭ এপ্ৰিল ২০২৩ (IST)
- Das Mousumi (বাৰ্তা) ২৩:১৪, ৭ এপ্ৰিল ২০২৩ (IST)
- Joli Rumi (বাৰ্তা) ১৯:০৩, ৮ এপ্ৰিল ২০২৩ (IST)
- Pallabi Dutta.Baruah (বাৰ্তা) ২৩:৪৯, ৮ এপ্ৰিল ২০২৩ (IST)
- Rumi Borah~aswiki (বাৰ্তা) ০৬:৫০, ৯ এপ্ৰিল ২০২৩ (IST)
- Rajdweep nlb (বাৰ্তা) ২২:২৬, ১৩ এপ্ৰিল ২০২৩ (IST)
১০-২৫ মে' ২০২৩
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Poll regarding April 2023 Wikisource Community meeting
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!
We will be organizing this month’s Wikisource Community meeting in the last week of April and we need your help to decide on a time and date that works best for the most number of people. Kindly share your availabilities at the wudele link below:
Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest topics for the agenda.
KLawal-WMF and PMenon-WMF
Sent via MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ২১:১৭, ১৪ এপ্ৰিল ২০২৩ (IST)
Invitation for April 2023 Wikisource Community Meeting
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!
We are the hosting this month’s Wikisource Community meeting on 25th April 2023 at 8 AM UTC / 1:30 PM IST (check your local time) according to the wudele poll.
The first half of the meeting will be focused on non-technical updates and conversations like events, conferences, proofread-a-thons and collaborations. The second half will be focused on technical updates and conversations, such as talking about major challenges faced by Wikisource communities, similar to the ones conducted in previous Community meetings.
There are going to be updates about Transkribus and we will be sharing more information during the meeting.
If you are interested in joining the meeting, kindly leave a message on swilson@wikimedia.org' and we will add you to the calendar invite.
Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest any other topics for the agenda.
KLawal-WMF, PMenon-WMF, Sam Wilson (WMF), and Satdeep Gill (WMF)
Wikimedia Foundation’s 2023-2024 Annual Plan and Upcoming Community Conversations
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hi Everyone,
The draft annual plan of the Wikimedia Foundation applicable from July 2023 to June 2024 has been published and is open for feedback.
While the entire annual plan is available in multiple languages, a short summary is available in close to 30 languages including many from the region.
Two-Way Planning/Conversations
Since last year, the Foundation has prioritized two-way planning with communities by asking community members to share their goals for the coming year. We are hosting a series of calls/discussions across various time zones to collaborate across the movement, for South Asia-based communities;
- In-person session during WikiConference India, on the 28th of April with the attendees of the conference. (recording to be uploaded on meta).
- Virtual Discussion on the 30th of April, 2023 (0600 UTC)- Join Us!
We would like to invite you all to participate in the virtual discussion on the 30th of April where Lisa Seitz Gruwell, Chief Advancement Officer, and Deputy to the Chief Executive Officer would be sharing and discussing the plans with the movement.
Call Details
Virtual Discussion (Via Zoom)
Date: 30th April 2023 (Sunday)
Time: 0600 UTC (ZoneStamp)
Look forward to seeing you on the call.
Please add the above details to your respective calendars, and do get in touch with me if you have any further questions.
Sent using MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ০৯:৫৯, ২৫ এপ্ৰিল ২০২৩ (IST)
Seeking volunteers for the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct process
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello,
As follow-up to the message about the Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines by Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Vice Chair, Shani Evenstein Sigalov, I am reaching out about the next steps. I want to bring your attention to the next stage of the Universal Code of Conduct process, which is forming a building committee for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). I invite community members with experience and deep interest in community health and governance to nominate themselves to be part of the U4C building committee, which needs people who are:
- Community members in good standing
- Knowledgeable about movement community processes, such as, but not limited to, policy drafting, participatory decision making, and application of existing rules and policies on Wikimedia projects
- Aware and appreciative of the diversity of the movement, such as, but not limited to, languages spoken, identity, geography, and project type
- Committed to participate for the entire U4C Building Committee period from mid-May - December 2023
- Comfortable with engaging in difficult, but productive conversations
- Confidently able to communicate in English
The Building Committee shall consist of volunteer community members, affiliate board or staff, and Wikimedia Foundation staff.
The Universal Code of Conduct has been a process strengthened by the skills and knowledge of the community and I look forward to what the U4C Building Committee creates. If you are interested in joining the Building Committee, please either sign up on the Meta-Wiki page, or contact ucocprojectwikimedia.org by May 12, 2023. Read more on Meta-Wiki.
Best regards,
Xeno (WMF) ০০:৩১, ২৭ এপ্ৰিল ২০২৩ (IST)
কিতাপৰ তালিকা
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]অসমীয়া ৱিকিউৎসই এটা উন্নতমানৰ স্কেনাৰ লাভ কৰিবলৈ কমেও ৫০খন কিতাপৰ তালিকা প্ৰস্তুত কৰাৰ প্ৰয়োজন হৈছিল আৰু এই তালিকাখন প্ৰস্তুত কৰাৰ দায়িত্ব মোক দিয়া হৈছিল, যি অতি কষ্টসাধ্য৷ সেয়ে, যিখিনি কিতাপ এতিয়ালৈ সংগ্ৰহ কৰা হ’ল, তাৰে এখনি তালিকা ইয়াত সন্নিৱিষ্ট কৰা হ’ল আৰু লগতে সন্মানীয় সদস্যসকললৈ অনুৰোধ, তেওঁলোকেও যাতে পাৰ্যমানে এই তালিকাখন বহলাবৰ যত্ন কৰে৷
(তালিকাত সূৰ্য্যকুমাৰ ভূঞাৰ কিতাপো দিয়া হৈছে, যিহেতু এবছৰ পিছত তেখেতৰ কিতাপ ’কপিৰাইট’ মুক্ত হ’ব৷ সকলোৰে সহযোগিতা আৰু পথ নিৰ্দেশনা আশা কৰিলোঁ৷ (২৩, ২৪, ২৫ আৰু ২৬ নম্বৰৰ কিতাপকেইখনৰ অনুমতি দিয়া আছে) আৰু ২৭, ২৮, ২৯, ৩০ আৰু ৩১ নম্বৰৰ কিতাপকেইখনৰ কপিৰাইট সম্বন্ধে নিশ্চিত নহয়৷) আৰু ৬৬ৰ পৰা ৭৮লৈ কিতাপকেইখন মৃদুল কুমাৰ শৰ্মাৰ হাতত আছে৷ Pranamikaadhikary (বাৰ্তা) ২২:২৫, ৯ মে' ২০২৩ (IST)
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]- ডিম্বেশ্বৰ নেওগৰ “শ্বহিদান’’
- চন্দ্ৰধৰ বৰুৱাৰ “কামৰূপ জীয়াৰী’’,
- সূৰ্যকুমাৰ ভূঞাৰ “বৰফুকনৰ গীত’’
- নলিনীবালা দেৱীৰ “পৰশমণি’’
- সূৰ্যকুমাৰ ভূঞাৰ “নিৰ্মালী’’
- চন্দ্ৰধৰ বৰুৱাৰ “ৰঞ্জন’’
- ডিম্বেশ্বৰ নেওগৰ “বিচিত্ৰা’’
- পদ্মনাথ গোহাঞিবৰুৱাৰ “লীলা’’
- ৰত্নকান্ত বৰকাকতিৰ “শেৱালী’’
- সূৰ্যকুমাৰ ভূঞাৰ “জয়মতী’’
- ডিম্বেশ্বৰ নেওগৰ “থাপনা’’
- চন্দ্ৰকুমাৰ আগৰৱালাৰ “চন্দ্ৰামৃত’’
- দণ্ডীনাথ কলিতাৰ “অসম সন্ধ্যা’’
- সূৰ্যকুমাৰ ভূঞাৰ “ত্ৰিপদী’’
- মহেশ্বৰ গোস্বামী প্ৰকাশিত “সাহিত্য-সংগ্ৰহ’’( ১৯০৫ চনৰ এন্ট্ৰেন্সৰ পাঠ্যপুথি)
- পুৰুষোত্তম ঠাকুৰৰ “ন-ঘোষা’’
- ইন্দ্ৰেশ্বৰ বৰঠাকুৰৰ “ৰণ-জেউতি’’
- ধৰ্মেশ্বৰী দেৱী বৰুৱানীৰ “প্ৰাণৰ পৰশ’’
- হেমচন্দ্ৰ বৰুৱাৰ “বাহিৰে ৰংচং ভিতৰে কোৱাভাতুৰী’’
- দণ্ডিনাথ কলিতাৰ “প্ৰদীপ’’
- বিৰিঞ্চিকুমাৰ বৰুৱা সম্পাদিত মহামোহকাব্য, ৰামানন্দ দ্বিজৰ
- প্ৰভাত হালৈৰ “মা দুৰ্গা’’
- সুৰেন গোস্বামীৰ “সেৱা সদন’’
- সুৰেন গোস্বামীৰ “ৰাইনা আৰু শিয়ালৰ সাধু’’
- সুৰেন গোস্বামীৰ “সুকোমল দেশৰ সাধু’’
- ভোলানাথ ফুকন সম্পাদিত “মুক্তি’’ সংকলন
- গোপীনাথ দাসৰ “বিহুৱা জেউতি’’
- পদ্মকুমাৰী গোহাঁইৰ “হিন্দু নাৰী’’
- দামোদৰ দেৱগোস্বামীৰ “মহাপুৰুষ শ্ৰীশ্ৰীহৰিদেৱ’’
- কৃষ্ণচন্দ্ৰ দেৱগোস্বামীৰ “সাধক পদ্মনাভ’’
- ৰজনীকান্ত বৰদলৈৰ ৰহদৈ লিগিৰী
- ৰজনীকান্ত বৰদলৈৰ ৰাধা-ৰুক্মিণীৰ ৰণ
- ৰজনীকান্ত বৰদলৈৰ খাম্বা-থুইবীৰ সাধু
- শৰৎচন্দ্ৰ গোস্বামীৰ ময়না
- শৰৎচন্দ্ৰ গোস্বামীৰ অসমীয়া সাধুকথা
- শৰৎচন্দ্ৰ গোস্বামীৰ পানিপথ
- শৰৎচন্দ্ৰ গোস্বামীৰ আদি পাঠ (দ্বিতীয় ভাগ)
- হিতেশ্বৰ বৰবৰুৱাৰ ঢোপকলি
- হিতেশ্বৰ বৰবৰুৱাৰ যুদ্ধক্ষেত্ৰত আহোম ৰমণী
- বেণুধৰ ৰাজখোৱাৰ চন্দ্ৰ সম্ভৱ
- বেণুধৰ ৰাজখোৱাৰ দশগীত
- বেণুধৰ ৰাজখোৱাৰ সৰু লৰাৰ গান
- বেণুধৰ ৰাজখোৱাৰ ডেকা-গাভৰু
- বেণুধৰ ৰাজখোৱাৰ দুৰ্যোধনৰ উৰুভঙ্গ
- সত্যনাথ বৰাৰ “বহল ব্যাকৰণ’’
- চন্দ্ৰধৰ বৰুৱাৰ “মেঘনাদ বধ’’
- চানেকি পাঠ (১৯৬৯ পাঠ্যপুথি)
- সাহিত্য ৰত্নাৱলী (সপ্তমমানৰ পাঠ্যপুথি ১৯৬৫)
- পাটীগণিত (চতুৰ্থ শ্ৰেণীৰ ১৯৬৩)
- পাটীগণিত (সপ্তম শ্ৰেণীৰ ১৯৬৮)
- আধুনিক ব্যৱহাৰিক গণিত (১৯৬২)
- শিশু বিজ্ঞান (১৯৬৭)
- অমৰ মানৱ (১৯৭৫)
- সিংহগড় বিজয় (১৯৭৪)
- সৰল ভূগোল (১৯৬৯)
- আমাৰ দেশ (১৯৬৭)
- গল্পগুচ্ছ (১৩৫৭ শক)
- সোণালী পাঠ (১৯৬৭)
- ভাৰতৰ বুৰঞ্জী (১৯৭৫)
- এছিয়াৰ জ্যোতি (১৯৬৭)
- বিশ্ব ইতিহাসত এভূমুকি (১৯৭১)
- পৃথিৱীৰ নতুন বুৰঞ্জী (১৯৬০)
- নতুন ভূগোল (১৯৬৯)
- শিশু বিজ্ঞান (১৯৬৪)
- অসমৰ নতুন বুৰঞ্জী (১৯৬৯)........
- Sri Sri Candi শ্ৰীশ্ৰী চণ্ডী
- Batsarar Dalil বাটসৰৰ দলিল
- Bastu Sastrare Sundar Jivan বাস্তু শাস্ত্ৰৰে সুন্দৰ জীৱন
- Kalpanar pora Bastaboloi কল্পনাৰ পৰা বাস্তৱলৈ
- Studies of the Atharvaveda with particular reference to non-secular Hymns
- Adhunik-sanskrit-Asamiya-Abhidhan আধুনিক-সংস্কৃত অসমীয়া অভিধান
- The Island of Adventure কালিকা লগা দ্বীপ
- Lawam Kuwari লাবাম কুঁৱৰী
- Mayur konwar ময়ুৰ কোঁৱৰ
- Patal Purar Sadhu পাতাল পুৰৰ সাধু
- Alohi Gharar Chor আলহী ঘৰৰ চোৰ
- Parijat Haran পাৰিজাত হৰণ
- Sagar সাগৰ
Selection of the U4C Building Committee
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]The next stage in the Universal Code of Conduct process is establishing a Building Committee to create the charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). The Building Committee has been selected. Read about the members and the work ahead on Meta-wiki.
-- UCoC Project Team, ০৯:৫১, ২৭ মে' ২০২৩ (IST)
প্ৰশাসক পদৰ বাবে আবেদন
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]নমস্কাৰ৷ অসমীয়া ৱিকিউৎসত কিছু প্ৰশাসনিক আৰু কাৰিকৰী কাম-কাজ কৰিবলৈ মই ৬মাহৰ ম্যাদৰ সাধাৰণ আৰু ইণ্টাৰফেইচ প্ৰশাসক পদৰ বাবে আবেদন জনাইছোঁ। আপোনালোকৰ সমৰ্থনৰ বাবে তলত চাইডাল টাইল্ড চিহ্নৰে স্বাক্ষৰ কৰিব পাৰে। ধন্যবাদ।
Dear all, I'm applying for general and interface adminship in Assamese wikisource for a period of 6 months to do certain administrative and technical tasks. Kindly support my application by putting your signature below. Thank you. Gitartha.bordoloi (বাৰ্তা) ১৩:০৩, ১৪ জুন ২০২৩ (IST)
Application placed here: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Permissions#gitartha.bordoloi@aswikisource
- ৬ মাহৰ বাবে প্ৰশাসনিক সুবিধা লাভ কৰিছোঁ৷ সকলোকে ধন্যবাদ৷ Gitartha.bordoloi (বাৰ্তা) ১২:৪০, ২৪ জুন ২০২৩ (IST)
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]- JyotiPN (বাৰ্তা) ১৩:২০, ১৪ জুন ২০২৩ (IST)JyotiPN
- Babulbaishya (বাৰ্তা) ১৬:২৯, ১৪ জুন ২০২৩ (IST)
- Rumi Borah~aswiki (বাৰ্তা) ১৭:১৭, ১৪ জুন ২০২৩ (IST)
- Pranamikaadhikary (বাৰ্তা) ২০:৩৬, ১৪ জুন ২০২৩ (IST)
- Joli Rumi (বাৰ্তা) ০৭:৫৮, ১৫ জুন ২০২৩ (IST)
- Jyoti Chiring (বাৰ্তা) ১০:৩৩, ১৫ জুন ২০২৩ (IST)
- -Chandan Chiring Phukon Chat ২২:৪৭, ১৬ জুন ২০২৩ (IST)
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]মন্তব্য
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Poll for June Wikisource Community meeting (Europe and Americas-friendly)
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!
We will be organizing this month's Wikisource Community meeting in the last week of June and we need your help to decide on a time and date that works best for the most number of people. Kindly share your availabilities at the wudele link below by 22nd June 2023:
Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest topics for the agenda.
KLawal-WMF and PMenon-WMF
Sent via MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ২০:৩৮, ১৬ জুন ২০২৩ (IST)
Invitation to join at WikiConverse India Call - June 24th, 2023
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Apologies to write in English please help us to translate the message into your language
Greetings! WikiConverse India is a new initiative that A2K is working on to improve collaboration among communities in India. WikiConverse India aims to initiate and foster dialogue within the Indian language Wikimedia community on various topics that are important for the growth of the Wikimedia movement. Currently, we are conducting regular calls as part of this initiative. For the month of June, this call will be scheduled on June 24th, 2023, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM IST. A2K will invite Indian participants from recent international conferences, namely the Wikimedia Hackathon and EduWiki Conference, to share their important takeaways specifically relevant to India.
To join the WikiConverse India Call, You can find the call details below:
- WikiConverse India Call, June 24th, 2023
- Saturday, June 24 · 6:00 – 7:30pm IST
- Video call link: https://meet.google.com/qcm-rrac-qzk
If you have any questions, please write to a2k@cis-india.org. Regards MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ০০:০০, ১৭ জুন ২০২৩ (IST)
Poll regarding June 2023 Assamese Wikisource Community orientation meeting
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!
We will be organizing an Assamese Wikisource Community orientation meeting in the coming week of June, and we need your help to decide on a time and date that works best for the most number of people. Kindly share your availability at the wudele link below:
The basic agenda will be interaction with the coming year's project planning and your community scanner request for the scanning project.
Regards Jayanta (CIS-A2K) (বাৰ্তা) ০১:১১, ২০ জুন ২০২৩ (IST)
Invitation for June 2023 Wikisource Community Meeting
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!
We are the hosting this month’s Wikisource Community meeting on 26 June 2023, 5 PM UTC (check your local time) according to the wudele poll.
The first half of the meeting will be focused on non-technical updates and conversations like events, conferences, proofread-a-thons and collaborations. The second half will be focused on technical updates and conversations, such as talking about major challenges faced by Wikisource communities, similar to the ones conducted in previous Community meetings.
If you are interested in joining the meeting, kindly leave a message on sgill@wikimedia.org and we will add you to the calendar invite.
Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest any other topics for the agenda.
KLawal-WMF, PMenon-WMF, Sam Wilson (WMF), and Satdeep Gill (WMF)
Sent using MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ১৫:৪৭, ২১ জুন ২০২৩ (IST)
Announcing the new Elections Committee members
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello there,
We are glad to announce the new members and advisors of the Elections Committee. The Elections Committee assists with the design and implementation of the process to select Community- and Affiliate-Selected trustees for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. After an open nomination process, the strongest candidates spoke with the Board and four candidates were asked to join the Elections Committee. Four other candidates were asked to participate as advisors.
Thank you to all the community members who submitted their names for consideration. We look forward to working with the Elections Committee in the near future.
On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees,
RamzyM (WMF) ২৩:৩০, ২৮ জুন ২০২৩ (IST)
Announcement of Train the Trainer 2023 and Call for Scholarship
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Dear all,
We are excited to announce the reactivation of the Train the Trainer (TTT) initiative by CIS-A2K in 2023. TTT aims to empower Indian Wikimedians like you with essential skills to support Wikimedia communities effectively. Through this program, we seek to enhance your capacity, encourage knowledge sharing, identify growth opportunities, and enable a positive impact on the communities you serve. The scholarship application period is from ‘‘‘1st to 14th August 2023’’’. Unfortunately, we regretfully cannot consider applications from non-Indian Wikimedians due to logistical and compliance-related constraints. The event is scheduled for the end of September or the beginning of October 2023, and final dates and venue details will be announced soon. We encourage your active participation in TTT 2023 and welcome you to apply for scholarships via the provided form.
For inquiries, please contact us at a2K@cis-india.org or nitesh@cis-india.org. We look forward to your enthusiastic involvement in making Train the Trainer 2023 a resounding success!
Regards, Nitesh (CIS-A2K)
Reminder for TTT Scholarship and announcement about Event dates
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Dear all,
We wanted to remind you about the Scholarship form for the Train the Trainer 2023 program and also provide you with the event dates. We encourage you to apply for scholarships to participate in Train the Trainer 2023, as it offers a valuable opportunity for you to actively contribute to your language communities. The scholarship form is accessible here, and the submission window will remain open until 14th August 2023. If you are genuinely interested in promoting knowledge sharing and community empowerment, we strongly encourage you to fill out the form. (Please note that we won't be able to consider applications from Wikimedians based outside of India for TTT 2023.)
The Train The Trainer program will take place on 29th, 30th September, and 1st October 2023. This program provides you an opportunity to enhance your leadership and community-building skills. Thank you for your attention. MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ১০:৫৬, ৮ আগষ্ট ২০২৩ (IST)
Poll regarding August 2023 Wikisource Community meeting
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!
We will be organizing this month’s Wikisource Community meeting in the last week of August and we need your help to decide on a time and date that works best for the most number of people. Kindly share your availability at the wudele link below:
Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest topics for the agenda.
KLawal-WMF and PMenon-WMF
Sent via MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ১৬:২৩, ১২ আগষ্ট ২০২৩ (IST)
Review the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello all,
I am pleased to share the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct work. The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) draft charter is now ready for your review.
The Enforcement Guidelines require a Building Committee form to draft a charter that outlines procedures and details for a global committee to be called the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). Over the past few months, the U4C Building Committee worked together as a group to discuss and draft the U4C charter. The U4C Building Committee welcomes feedback about the draft charter now through 22 September 2023. After that date, the U4C Building Committee will revise the charter as needed and a community vote will open shortly afterward.
Join the conversation during the conversation hours or on Meta-wiki.
RamzyM (WMF), on behalf of the U4C Building Committee, ২১:০৫, ২৮ আগষ্ট ২০২৩ (IST)
Invitation to the Indic Community Monthly Engagement Call on September 8, 2023
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Dear Wikimedians,
A2K is excited to invite you to the third call of the Indic Community Monthly Engagement Calls initiative scheduled for September 8, 2023, where A2K is hosting “Learning Clinic: Collective learning from grantee reports in South Asia” by Let’s Connect. This event is designed to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among community members interested in the region's progress, grantees, potential grantees, and Regional Fund Committee members. The dedicated meta page is here. Here are the details:
- Date: September 8th
- Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM IST
- Language: English
- Facilitation: Jessica Stephenson (WMF - Let’s Connect), Pavan Santhosh (CIS-A2K), Chinmayee Mishra (Let’s Connect working group)
- Duration: 1.5 hours
- Zoom Link: Zoom Link
You can find detailed information on the given meta page. We look forward to meeting you there tomorrow :) Regards Nitesh (CIS-A2K) (talk) 10:58, 7 September 2023 (UTC)
Announcing Indic Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 and Invitation to Participate
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Dear Wikimedians,
The Indic MediaWiki Developers User Group is happy to announce Indic Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 on 16-17 December 2023 in Pondicherry, India.
The event is for everyone who contributes to Wikimedia’s technical spaces code developers, maintainers, translators, designers, technical writers and other related technical aspects. Along with that, contributors who don't necessarily contribute to technical spaces but have good understanding of issues on wikis and can work with developers in addressing them can join too. You can come with a project in mind, join an existing project, or create something new with others. The goal of this event is to bring together technical contributors from India to resolve pending technical issues, bugs, brainstorm on tooling ideas, and foster connections between contributors.
We have scholarships to support participation of contributors residing in India. The scholarship form can be filled at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_Qqctj7I87QfYt5imc6iPcGPWuPfncCOyAd_OMbGiqxzxhQ/viewform?usp=sf_link and will close at 23:59 hrs on 15 October 2023 (Sunday) [IST].
Please reach out to contactindicmediawikidev.org if you have any questions or need support.
Best, Indic MediaWiki Developers UG, ১০:১০, ৪ অক্টোবৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
Opportunities open for the Affiliations Committee, Ombuds commission, and the Case Review Committee
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.
অধিক ভাষা • অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি আপোনাৰ ভাষালৈ অনুবাদ কৰাত সহায় কৰকHi everyone! The Affiliations Committee (AffCom), Ombuds commission (OC), and the Case Review Committee (CRC) are looking for new members. These volunteer groups provide important structural and oversight support for the community and movement. People are encouraged to nominate themselves or encourage others they feel would contribute to these groups to apply. There is more information about the roles of the groups, the skills needed, and the opportunity to apply on the Meta-wiki page.
On behalf of the Committee Support team,
Movement Charter - Assamese community Open calls (মুভমেণ্ট চাৰ্টাৰ - অসমীয়া সমাজ মুকলি কল)
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]সকলো অসমীয়া ৱিকিমেডিয়ানক নমস্কাৰ!
আমি সকলোৱে জানো, ৱিকিমিডিয়া হৈছে এক আন্তৰ্জাতিক মুভমেণ্ট যি মুক্ত জ্ঞানৰ প্ৰচাৰ কৰে, কিন্তু আমাৰ মুভমেণ্ট আগবাঢ়ি যোৱাৰ লগে লগে, মুভমেণ্টত অংশগ্ৰহণ কৰা সকলৰ ভূমিকা আৰু দায়বদ্ধতা উন্নত কৰাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত লোৱা প্ৰয়োজন। এই প্ৰয়োজনীয়তাক স্বীকৃতি দি ২০২১ চনৰ নৱেম্বৰত ৱিকিমিডিয়া মুভমেণ্ট চাৰ্টাৰ ড্ৰাফ্টিং কমিটি গঠন কৰা হয়।
এই মুভমেণ্ট চাৰ্টাৰৰ জৰিয়তে, এক গোলকীয় পৰিষদ স্থাপন কৰা হ'ব, যি মুভমেণ্টৰ অংশীদাৰসকলৰ দায়িত্ব আৰু ভূমিকা গঢ়ি তোলে। মুভমেণ্ট চাৰ্টাৰ হৈছে মুভমেণ্ট ৰণনীতিৰ এক গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ অংশ, আৰু এই মুভমেণ্ট ৰণনীতিয়ে ২০৩০ চনৰ ভিতৰত ৱিকিমিডিয়া মুভমেণ্ট কেনেদৰে গঢ় লৈ উঠা হ'ব তাৰ ৰণনীতি প্ৰস্তুত কৰিব বুলি আশা কৰা হৈছে।
মুভমেণ্ট চাৰ্টাৰ উদ্যোগৰ বিষয়ে অধিক বুজাত আমাক সহায় কৰিবলৈ মই মুভমেণ্ট চাৰ্টাৰ সমল পৃষ্ঠাবোৰ অসমীয়ালৈ অনুবাদ কৰিছো। আপুনি সমল বাৰ্তা পৃষ্ঠাৰ জৰিয়তে উন্নতিৰ পৰামৰ্শ দিব পাৰে।
অনুবাদ কৰা পৃষ্ঠাবোৰৰ লিংকবোৰ ইয়াত দিয়া হৈছে:
মই দুটা কমিউনিটি কল আয়োজন কৰিম, এই কলবোৰ সকলো অসমীয়া ৱিকিমেডিয়ানৰ বাবে মুকলি আৰু সকলোৱে যোগদান কৰিব পাৰে।
- সভাৰ বিৱৰণবোৰ নিম্নলিখিত ধৰণৰ:
- মুভমেণ্ট চাৰ্টাৰৰ পৰিচয় : তাৰিখ- 18/10/2023, সময় - 7:00 ৰ পৰা সন্ধিয়া 8:00 বজালৈ
- কাৰ্যসূচী: মুভমেণ্ট চাৰ্টাৰ সমল পৃষ্ঠাবোৰৰ আলোচনা কৰা।
- Introduction to Movement Charter Content - Assamese Community
- Wednesday, 18 Oct • 7:00 – 8:00 PM
- Google Meet joining info
- Video call Link
- আন্তৰ্জাতিক দলৰ বাবে প্ৰতিক্ৰিয়া:
- তাৰিখ- 21/10/2023, সময় - 7:00 ৰ পৰা সন্ধিয়া 8:00 বজালৈ
- কাৰ্যসূচী: চাৰ্টাৰ ড্ৰাফ্টিং কমিতিলৈ মুভমেণ্ট চাৰ্টাৰ সমল পৃষ্ঠাৰ ওপৰত মতামত।
- Feedback on Movement Charter Content
- Saturday, 21 Oct • 7:00 – 8:00 PM
- Google Meet joining info
- Video call Link
- সম্মান,
- জ্যোতি মেধি
- মুভমেণ্ট চাৰ্টাৰ এম্বেচেডৰ- অসমীয়া
Medhi jyoti (বাৰ্তা) ১৪:০৪, ১৪ অক্টোবৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
Review and comment on the 2024 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection rules package
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Dear all,
Please review and comment on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection rules package from now until 29 October 2023. The selection rules package was based on older versions by the Elections Committee and will be used in the 2024 Board of Trustees selection. Providing your comments now will help them provide a smoother, better Board selection process. More on the Meta-wiki page.
Katie Chan
Chair of the Elections Committee
০৬:৪৩, ১৭ অক্টোবৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
Invitation for Wikisource Community Meeting October 2023
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!
We are the hosting this month’s Wikisource Community meeting on 28 October 2023, 7 AM UTC (check your local time). This meeting time is Eastern Hemisphere-focused and we will alternate the meeting times every month.
The first half of the meeting will be focused on non-technical updates and conversations like events, conferences, proofread-a-thons and collaborations. The second half will be focused on technical updates and conversations, such as talking about major challenges faced by Wikisource communities, similar to the ones conducted in previous Community meetings.
If you are interested in joining the meeting, kindly leave a message on sgill@wikimedia.org and we will add you to the calendar invite.
Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest any other topics for the agenda.
Regards KLawal-WMF, PMenon-WMF, Sam Wilson (WMF), and Satdeep Gill (WMF)
Sent using MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ১৯:৪১, ১৮ অক্টোবৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
The Vector 2022 skin as the default in three weeks?
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Read this in your language • অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি আপোনাৰ ভাষালৈ অনুবাদ কৰাত সহায় কৰক • Please tell other users about these changes
Hello. I'm writing on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Web team. In three weeks, we would like to make the Vector 2022 skin the default on this wiki.

If you prefer keeping the current skin select "Vector legacy (2010)" on the appearance tab of the global preferences and save the change. We encourage you to give the new skin a try, though.
It would become the default for all logged-out users, and also all logged-in users who currently use Vector legacy as a local (but not global) preference. Logged-in users can at any time switch to any other skin. No changes are expected for these skins.
- Top of an article
Vector legacy (current default)
Vector 2022
- A section of an article
Vector legacy (current default)
Vector 2022
About the skin
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]
[Why is a change necessary] When the current default skin was created, it reflected the needs of the readers and editors as these were 14 years ago. Since then, new users have begun using the Internet and Wikimedia projects in different ways. The old Vector does not meet their needs.
[Objective] The objective for the Vector 2022 skin is to make the interface more welcoming and comfortable for readers and useful for advanced users. It introduces a series of changes that aim to improve problems new and existing readers and editors were having with the old skin. It draws inspiration from previous user requests, the Community Wishlist Surveys, and gadgets and scripts. The work helped our code follow the standards and improve all other skins. The PHP code in the other available skins has been reduced by 75%. The project has also focused on making it easier to support gadgets and use APIs.

[Changes in a nutshell] The skin introduces changes that improve readability and usability. The new skin does not remove any functionality currently available on the Vector skin.
- The limited width and pin-able menus allow to adjust the interface to the screen size, and focus on editing or reading. Logged-in and logged-out users may use a toggle button to keep the full width, though.
- The sticky header makes it easier to find tools that editors use often. It decreases scrolling to the top of the page by 16%.
- The new table of contents makes it easier to navigate to different sections. Readers and editors jump to different sections of the page 50% more than with the old table of contents. It also looks a bit different on talk pages.
- The new search bar is easier to find and makes it easier to find the correct search result from the list. This increased the amount of searches started by 30% on the tested wikis.
- The skin does not negatively affect pageviews, edit rates, or account creation. There is evidence of increases in pageviews and account creation across partner communities.
[Customize this skin] It's possible to configure and personalize our changes. We support volunteers who create new gadgets and user scripts. Check out the repository for a list of currently available customizations and changes, or add your own.
Our plan
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]If no large concerns are raised, we plan on deploying on 14 November. If you'd like to ask our team anything, if you have questions, concerns, or additional thoughts, please comment in any language. If this is the first comment to my message, make sure to ping me. We will gladly answer! Also, check out our FAQ. Thank you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (আলোচনা) ০৬:৪৭, ২৬ অক্টোবৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
A2K Community Needs Assessment Form
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]In late November, A2K hosted a significant call as part of WikiConverse India discussions, aiming to understand the diverse needs of Indian Communities! We deeply appreciate the active participation of every community member, as your valuable suggestions and opinions will be instrumental in shaping A2K's future initiatives.
To enrich this collaborative effort, we've crafted a form. Your responses will provide key components for a broader needs assessment, offering profound insights into the community's suggestions and guiding A2K’s future plans. We invite you to invest just a few precious minutes in sharing your thoughts, ideas, efforts, and impactful initiatives! If you have any doubts or queries, feel free to reach out to nitesh@cis-india.org.
Thank you for being an integral part of our vibrant community! Regards MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ১৪:১৬, ৫ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
Enhancing Your Wikimania 2024 Scholarship Application: Community Call and Volunteer Support
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]Dear Wikimedians,
I hope this message finds you well. A2K is excited to share news about an upcoming A2K initiative to support Indian Wikimedians in the Wikimania 2024 scholarship process.
- Community Call with Experienced Wikimedians
Join the community call on December 9, 2023, featuring experienced Indian Wikimedians. Gain insights into the Wikimania scholarship process, key application elements, and participate in a Q&A session.
- Volunteer Committee
A dedicated volunteer committee will assist applicants through Zoom Room Support Sessions, offering one-on-one discussions, personalized feedback, and application enhancement strategies.
For more details and to register:
- Community Call Meta page: link
- Date: 9 December 2023
- Time: 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM IST
We invite your active participation and look forward to your engagement in this community call. Regards MediaWiki message delivery (বাৰ্তা) ১২:২২, ৭ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
আহক আমি প্ৰত্যেক গৰাকী নৱাগতক আদৰি লওঁ
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি এই অনুচ্ছেদত একো সম্পাদনা নকৰিব। আলোচনা সমাপ্ত হৈছে।
অসমীয়া ৱিকিপিডিয়াত আদৰণি বটে এতিয়ালৈকে ৭০০০+ গৰাকী নৱাগতক আদৰিবলৈ সক্ষম হৈছে। অসমীয়া ৱিকিউৎসত এই কাম এতিয়াও মেনুৱেলি কৰা হয়, যাৰ ফলত বহুতো নৱাগতৰ আলোচনা পৃষ্ঠা উকা হৈয়েই থাকি গৈছে। সেয়েহে ভাবিছোঁ, এই দায়িত্ব আদৰণি বটক দিয়া হওঁক। এই ক্ষেত্ৰত ৰাইজৰ মতামত বিচাৰিছো। — চাণক্য (বাৰ্তা) ১১:৫৯, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]- 𝒦𝓊𝓁𝒹𝒽𝒶𝓇 ℛ𝒶𝒷𝒽𝒶 (𝒯𝒶𝓁𝓀) ১২:১০, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- দিব্য দত্ত (বাৰ্তা) ১২:১৪, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- Nayan j Nath (বাৰ্তা) ১২:২১, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- সম্পূৰ্ণ সমৰ্থন। অনামিকা(চুমু) বড়া (বাৰ্তা) ১২:২৪, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- Rajdweep nlb (বাৰ্তা) ১৩:২৪, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- Pranamikaadhikary (বাৰ্তা) ১৪:৪৩, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- ---Chandan Chiring Phukon Chat ১৪:৪৫, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- Priyankush Deka (বাৰ্তা) ১৬:৩২, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- Rumi Borah~aswiki (বাৰ্তা) ১৭:০২, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- জোনালী বৰুৱা (বাৰ্তা) ০৮:১০, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (CST)
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]মতামত
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]- বৰ ভাল হ'ব। ---Chandan Chiring Phukon Chat ১৪:৪৬, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- @সদস্য:-chanakyakdas, Can you please explain why automated scripts were run before requesting a bot flag? DreamRimmer (বাৰ্তা) ১৯:৪৫, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- @DreamRimmer Hi, I've conducted a test of the bot with nine users and assume full responsibility for the process. As no harm was caused, I believe the bot is ready for deployment. Furthermore, I've halted the bot's operation and have submitted a request on Meta for the bot flag. — চাণক্য (বাৰ্তা) ১৯:৫৩, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- Tests should only be conducted in one's own userspace, but you edited the talk pages of nine other users with an automated script. In my opinion, this was not the best course of action. Could you please provide the source code for this task? DreamRimmer (বাৰ্তা) ২০:০৪, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- I've personally reviewed all the messages. If there was any potential harm, I would have manually corrected it. The source code isn't stored in any public repository. I've rewritten the
specifically for Assamese Wikimedia projects and run it on PAWS. — চাণক্য (বাৰ্তা) ২০:১৩, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)- I am not an active editor here, so I am not going to oppose this request. However, it's important to note that running automated scripts before obtaining community approval is not the right approach. Please avoid doing so in the future. BTW, There is an option in the right corner of the PAWS dashboard to share a public link for the script. DreamRimmer (বাৰ্তা) ২০:৩২, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- I've personally reviewed all the messages. If there was any potential harm, I would have manually corrected it. The source code isn't stored in any public repository. I've rewritten the
- Tests should only be conducted in one's own userspace, but you edited the talk pages of nine other users with an automated script. In my opinion, this was not the best course of action. Could you please provide the source code for this task? DreamRimmer (বাৰ্তা) ২০:০৪, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- @DreamRimmer Hi, I've conducted a test of the bot with nine users and assume full responsibility for the process. As no harm was caused, I believe the bot is ready for deployment. Furthermore, I've halted the bot's operation and have submitted a request on Meta for the bot flag. — চাণক্য (বাৰ্তা) ১৯:৫৩, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
- @সদস্য:-chanakyakdas, Can you please explain why automated scripts were run before requesting a bot flag? DreamRimmer (বাৰ্তা) ১৯:৪৫, ১৬ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)
Bot flag!
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]ডিচেম্বৰৰ ২১ তাৰিখে আদৰণি বটক বটাধিকাৰ প্ৰদান কৰা হৈছে। আটাইলৈ ধন্যবাদ। 🙏 — চাণক্য (বাৰ্তা) ১০:৪২, ২২ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৩ (IST)