সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:বাঁহী প্ৰথম আৰু দ্বিতীয় বছৰ.pdf/৩২৭

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

শাওণ, ১৮৩২ ] অসমীয়া গৌৰীপুৰত বালা সাহিত্য-সভা। ২৮ of Assam who seem to have done very little since Narmara. au's time for the development oftheir language. The opportu- nity was a fair me, which has now gone away: there was a pecial facility, too, for this & the script was the same for both the languages; and as to the disting books in the dialect they would form part of the great body of the Bengali literature, as will be evident from the fact that Babu Dineaohandra Sen, authস of a history of the Bengali litirature has actually included the Ramayana written by Anasta Kanchali in his subject-matter as he was kept in the dark as to locality to which the author bolonged. lts for- tunate for our Assamese brethern that their desire to have the recognition of their mother-tongue as a court language, has been so easily fulilled : the lishmen and the Wesh people whose mother-tongue are of Celtic origin-and so quite distinct from the Teutoric English-have not got the same privilege as yet.” অসমীয়া গত প্ৰথম পুৰি শৰুদে বাড়দেৰ পা এন কশিয়ে লেখা বুলি কোৱা কথাটো এত্মক। মাধৱ কন্দলিয়ে শঙ্কৰদেৱৰ আগে- সেই আদিকা ৰামায়ণৰ সুৱগা নি কৰিছিল। সেই পুৰি কথা - দেৱে তেওঁৰ নিজৰ পুথিত উল্লেখ কৰি গৈছে। “ And it is with the translation of the Ramayan in the 15th century that Assa- mes first reached the highest level and finally established a claim as a literary language. There had been an earlier tran- slation by Madhab Randali, as Sankar Deb himself state in his owa translation • মাধৱ কলিৰ আদিকাণ্ড ৰামায়ণ ঘি পড়িয়ে দিয়েই

  • Note on the Assamese largued fiterature by F, W, Sudmes

tq., Principal of the Cotton college, Gauhat,